Willie @4Ever! 19 Years Strong!

Today is Willie’s 19th. Birthday. His mom, his dad, a friend, and myself will wear t-shirts representing autism. I believe Willie has an autism shirt stating that he is the birthday boy. Willie is not a boy. He is a young adult who will probably never live on his own. I can’t imagine the fear this causes his mom. The thought of what will happen to him if anything happens to her. I have not cared for Willie since the day he charged at me and knocked me down. His oldest sister is his caregiver when his mom works. But … Continue reading Willie @4Ever! 19 Years Strong!

Willie is Back in School!

Willie has returned to school after over a year. It’s a real school, unlike the program he was attending for 2 hours a day, which had 40 minutes of travel time. I have prayed and hoped for him to return to the stability of school. I recently saw Willie and asked him if he likes the school and the teachers, and he answered, “Yes.” His mom sent me pictures of his morning routine. Continue reading Willie is Back in School!


I saw Willie last night, and there was agitation. Mom needed to use the blender, and Willie was instructed to stay nearby. He and mom and I were in the kitchen. Kitchens are triggers for Willie. He looks for stuff that sets him off. He asks to “borrow” food. The food is never anything he likes. I don’t understand the purpose of this. Sometimes, though, if it’s in a glass container, it may be something he wants to smash. So mom has Willie sit. In a chair, on the floor. Just sit. When I get enough notice of a Willie … Continue reading Willie@4Ever!


This is what Willie has experienced over the past few years. It started with holiday celebrations. Willie has been suspended during Easter, Father’s Day, and Mother’s Day. He has known about these holidays and anticipated returning to school and making crafts or coloring eggs with us, trying to explain that these activities would be over when he returned. He always insists that they will be there for him when he returns. He has been excluded from field trips for years, never having a chance to show if he’d be good during the outings. The last exclusion was his prom, with … Continue reading Exclusion!

Willie Ostracized Again!

Willie has once again been sent home from school. In special needs schools, students receive shorter breaks. Two-week school breaks are divided because transitioning back into school is disruptive to the routine of special needs children. I know it is for Willie and now his school sent him home on June 7th. 2022 and asked that he remain home until September 2022. The school’s action has been deemed illegal. Willie has been suspended an average of 5 times a year and he is unable to communicate what is triggering his outbursts in school, which always spill over to his time … Continue reading Willie Ostracized Again!


         .                              A Covid-19 Event: Willie turned 16 April 20th 2021 My Sugga Dugga turned 16. I asked Willie did he want to learn how to drive. He answered emphatically “No!” Willie’s only interest in cars is to keep track of the comings and goings of the cars in his driveway.  There’s a methodology to that also. Is Jha gone? Where’s Nay’s car? Is La’miya and Darren here? Where’s mommy? I have my methodical answers or questions. “Is Jha gone Willie?” Willie answers, “Yes,” if she’s gone. “No,” if she isn’t, followed by, “she leaving? Is Jha leaving?” I say, … Continue reading Willie@4Ever!

Outings With Willie: A New Day

It’s the second day of a new school week. Willie woke again today saying he didn’t want to go to school. It was another morning where he was awake around 4:30 a.m. We have no idea why he wakes during these wee hours each night. He did return to sleep after about 40 minutes. This was better than returning to sleep minutes before the alarm goes off. He asked for Cheerios, which we don’t have…then he asked for chips which we did have. His choice of foods is so limited. Willie’s mom found articles regarding the effect of Autism on … Continue reading Outings With Willie: A New Day

Outings With Willie: Snacks

So Willie wanted small chocolate chip cookies and Cheez-its. It was a beautiful day and his mom and I took him to ‘The Corner Store’ a couple of blocks away. The book bag carries Willie’s ever present bears. Willie felt pretty independent taking in the sights without his hand being held. A good tip we learned for taking Willie to the store is discussing with him exactly how many items he can get. In this case he wanted 2 specific items. After the store visit we all headed home. Willie carried his own goodies. At one point he even let … Continue reading Outings With Willie: Snacks

Willie and the Unbearable Bear Crisis

Willie is out of school on injury leave right now. He has been diagnosed with Knee Effusion, or water on the knee. As near as we can tell, there is something wrong inside his knee. This, however, is a separate incident from the bear crisis. Once upon a time Willie had four bears, a big bear, a smaller bear, a chef bear and a spotted   pink bear (really, a Cheetah) but any way…   Willie started acting out the three bears story and after a while, instead of setting the chef bear aside, the chef bear was tossed into … Continue reading Willie and the Unbearable Bear Crisis

Outings With Willie

It has been a long while since I last blogged about Willie. There have been so much going on with him. We took Willie on the bus with his niece La’miya before the weather warmed up and headed for the park. After getting off the bus, we took a detour to the ice cream stand. Willie had ice cream, La’miya watched. (Secret. La’miya did taste ice cream with her mom.) We then walked to the park where Willie and La’miya both got on the swings. Willie watched a couple of guys playing catch. Then he climbed a tree. Back home, Willie … Continue reading Outings With Willie