
I saw Willie last night, and there was agitation. Mom needed to use the blender, and Willie was instructed to stay nearby. He and mom and I were in the kitchen. Kitchens are triggers for Willie. He looks for stuff that sets him off. He asks to “borrow” food. The food is never anything he likes. I don’t understand the purpose of this. Sometimes, though, if it’s in a glass container, it may be something he wants to smash. So mom has Willie sit. In a chair, on the floor. Just sit.

When I get enough notice of a Willie visit, I put away glass, butter, and remote controls and I turn off the TV. It’s just easier to me, for us to remove the triggers. I miss Willie. I miss the times before the anger and frustration that seems to drive him every day now. I look at old pictures of him, and though my daughter pointed out that he was always destructive, there were times when the two of us made a pretty awesome team.

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