Willie Ostracized Again!

Willie has once again been sent home from school. In special needs schools, students receive shorter breaks. Two-week school breaks are divided because transitioning back into school is disruptive to the routine of special needs children. I know it is for Willie and now his school sent him home on June 7th. 2022 and asked that he remain home until September 2022. The school’s action has been deemed illegal. Willie has been suspended an average of 5 times a year and he is unable to communicate what is triggering his outbursts in school, which always spill over to his time at home. It breaks my heart, truly brings me to tears and two new teacher assistants have informed Willie’s mother that Willie is not as ‘bad’ as the school makes him out to be. Is Willie being targeted? It’s possible. The school has wanted Willie to be placed somewhere else for over 5 years. By law, he cannot be transferred unless there’s a place to be transferred to. I pray all the time for Willie and his mom. Willie needs school and with him staying home, his mom has difficulty keeping work. Willie cannot do programs and I can only help at times because I also work. We’re at a loss.

Willie and the phone watching cartoons.

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