
This is what Willie has experienced over the past few years. It started with holiday celebrations. Willie has been suspended during Easter, Father’s Day, and Mother’s Day. He has known about these holidays and anticipated returning to school and making crafts or coloring eggs with us, trying to explain that these activities would be over when he returned. He always insists that they will be there for him when he returns. He has been excluded from field trips for years, never having a chance to show if he’d be good during the outings. The last exclusion was his prom, with … Continue reading Exclusion!

Willie Ostracized Again!

Willie has once again been sent home from school. In special needs schools, students receive shorter breaks. Two-week school breaks are divided because transitioning back into school is disruptive to the routine of special needs children. I know it is for Willie and now his school sent him home on June 7th. 2022 and asked that he remain home until September 2022. The school’s action has been deemed illegal. Willie has been suspended an average of 5 times a year and he is unable to communicate what is triggering his outbursts in school, which always spill over to his time … Continue reading Willie Ostracized Again!

Outings With Willie: A New Day

It’s the second day of a new school week. Willie woke again today saying he didn’t want to go to school. It was another morning where he was awake around 4:30 a.m. We have no idea why he wakes during these wee hours each night. He did return to sleep after about 40 minutes. This was better than returning to sleep minutes before the alarm goes off. He asked for Cheerios, which we don’t have…then he asked for chips which we did have. His choice of foods is so limited. Willie’s mom found articles regarding the effect of Autism on … Continue reading Outings With Willie: A New Day

Outings With Willie

It has been a long while since I last blogged about Willie. There have been so much going on with him. We took Willie on the bus with his niece La’miya before the weather warmed up and headed for the park. After getting off the bus, we took a detour to the ice cream stand. Willie had ice cream, La’miya watched. (Secret. La’miya did taste ice cream with her mom.) We then walked to the park where Willie and La’miya both got on the swings. Willie watched a couple of guys playing catch. Then he climbed a tree. Back home, Willie … Continue reading Outings With Willie

Willie At Home

Well Willie has lost his school bus privileges until after Thanksgiving. There was a problem during a meltdown, a bus aide went to the E.R. and I’m wondering where the scratches on Willie’s face came from. I do know that in Autism, a child will not feel disciplined if you hit him, he will feel attacked. I have been spending my hours between, napping for work, and working, up at Children’s Hospital. Another death, which I will write about soon. I noticed the scratches today, and then found out that he came home with them, the day he lost his … Continue reading Willie At Home

Trick or Treat Willie

So our community had a Halloween trail on in it’s business section. The day before Halloween, there was trick or treating at Willie’s school. He went as a vampire. He left his cape in school and brought home a lot of candy that he opened, but fortunately, did not eat. This was Friday, and now he needed another cape for Halloween. Willie’s mother found one cape Friday evening and a set of teeth. So Saturday, Willie had all he needed to be a vampire. I had ordered zombie make up but I  wasn’t sure if Willie would allow his face … Continue reading Trick or Treat Willie

Willie’s Back In School

Willie had been out of school for more than a month. During that time, Willie, his mom and his sisters moved in with me. Changes that were easier because this is Willie’s first home. Willie had not wanted to return to school, so I was concerned with the transition. He’d never been out of school for more than 2 weeks, now he’d have a new bus driver and a new bus aide. Willie stood at the door and said he wanted to go on a plane and go to school. But then I guess he thought about it. He decided … Continue reading Willie’s Back In School

Another Outing & At Home With Willie

It’s been a while since Willie and I took off. Big changes took place. Willie is now living in his first home. He calls it Granny’s house. He has no interest in going to his old house, so this was an easy transition. He already calls the room he sleeps in, “my room.” Tomorrow will be Willie’s first day back to school after more than a month off. He had a 3 week vacation, and then over a week to get a new bus. Willie had been saying “I don’t want to go to school” nearly every morning of his … Continue reading Another Outing & At Home With Willie

Outings With Willie

A few weeks ago, my grandson Willie and I went on a fairly long walk around our neighborhood. It was nice and uneventful, and because we didn’t use a bus or other transportation, there was a bit of control. Well, on Monday, we left that control behind. Willie asked to go for a walk, so we did. Our first stop, as usual, was the playground.  He slid, on the slide. Then he wanted to go up to the sky on the see-saw.  Willie wanted to stay on the see-saw, but it was too much sun. I asked him where he … Continue reading Outings With Willie

Fresh Starts Everyday

In response to Mike’s  A fresh start – so use it!, I went for a long walk yesterday, a Monday. I received a new phone last week and it came with a ‘nagging’ app. It measures my steps and has a daily goal of at least 10,000 steps. It nags when I’m inactive. “You haven’t moved for awhile, how about a walk? Well, I could swear that this thing knows that when I’m not moving, I’m just sitting. It knows I’m not sitting and writing, but just sitting and wasting brain matter on the TV, or playing solitaire on my … Continue reading Fresh Starts Everyday