Outings With Willie

A few weeks ago, my grandson Willie and I went on a fairly long walk around our neighborhood. It was nice and uneventful, and because we didn’t use a bus or other transportation, there was a bit of control. Well, on Monday, we left that control behind. Willie asked to go for a walk, so we did.

Our first stop, as usual, was the playground.

20150817_132645 He slid, on the slide.

Then he wanted to go up to the sky on the see-saw. 20150817_132235

Willie wanted to stay on the see-saw, but it was too much sun. I asked him where he wanted to go next. He named his favorite thing, next to “outer space.” The train. This is what he calls our Metro Rail.

20150817_144147At one of the stops downtown, after people got off, and others were getting on, Willie grabbed my hand, yelled waterfall, and said, “Get off here.”

20150817_150937He walked around the fountain several times.

He enjoyed the spray. 20150817_150948

He wanted to go in a building. 20150817_151056

We went to the mall, where he had chocolate chip cookies, and the pepperoni off my slice of pizza.

20150817_163701Home was another ride on the Metro Rail, that had to continue on the bus, because there was a stalled rail car ahead of us. Willie became anxious when the train door didn’t close after 15 minutes. That’s when we went upstairs and got on the bus. Willie’s mom picked us up at the bus stop. As we entered the house, Willie said, “I went to school. It was great.” He thought the outing was a field trip. Saying it was great, makes me feel amazing.

9 thoughts on “Outings With Willie

  1. What an awesome grandmother you are! This is wonderful to give him the opportunity to make choices while I am sure usually others have to make them for him. What a wonderfully enabling thing to do for him.

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